Monday, April 25, 2011

Big Lebowski

The biggest thing that stood out to me in The big Lebowski was all the cursing. The movie had a plot however, it was missing an ending. The movie didn't wrap up which probably contributed to its box office flop. The movie is a cult classic because the Coen brothers have their loyal fan base. it's movie that can be watched over and over again. It's like Kevin Smith movies. I've seen every Kevin Smith movie on DVD. Never went to the movie theater and watched one. Kevin Smith made fantastic movies that didn't succeed at the box office but were huge on DVD. Clerks, Mall Rats and Dogma have to be some of the best cult classic movies of all time. I think these movies like Coen brothers movies become cult classics over time because only a certain type of person will watch them.

Hudsucker Proxy

Comparing Hudsucker Proxy to the other Coen brothers films is apples and oranges. Barton Fink, Fargo and The Big Lebowski were movies they did without any supervision. Everything cam from them and no one told them otherwise. They didn't have a studio head telling them to change scenes to make it more mainstream. I think they tried to incorporate their style in Hudsucker however, it is limited. The main scene that sticks out to me that looks like the Coen brothers is when everyone is laughing after they name Hudsucker CEO. I have absolutely no idea why they are laughing which to me seems like a Coen brothers scene. I think their movies are different then the normal studio films which is why they are a cult favorite and it takes a certain group to appreciate their movies.

Rio Bravo

Rio Bravo compared to the western genre because of the setting, plot and characters. The movie was set in a western town with the traditional saloons, wood building, clothing and transportation. The plot also fit the bill because there was the tough law enforcement hero who had a sidekick however, unlike the typical western Dean Martin wasn't such a trusty sidekick because of his drinking problem. There was the good vs. evil element in the movie as the sheriff tried to uphold the law and protect his town against the bad guys.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Exit Through the Gift Shop

I think the message of the film was street art had a place in the world. The film showcased artist different styles of street art. There was space invader who used mosaic tiles to make the characters, Banksy who had props such as; elephants, phone booths and dummies. After watching the film I didn't feel manipulated because I didn't know very much about it. The film opened my eyes to a new world. I took it for what it was, a film a guy with a camera going around filming people and becoming what they were. The thought never entered my mind that the whole thing could have been this conspiracy where Guetta was Banksy. But now that I think about it, it does make some sense. How does a guy afford to just travel around the world putting graffiti on walls, renting 15,000 square feet NBC studios, paying workers, buying film, food, travel expenses while having a family and paying the mortgage. That doesn't add up. Unless he had private funding for this movie from a artist who is selling pieces for millions in order to tell a particular story.

When Harry met Sally

When Harry met Sally absolutely stands the test of time. Any time I told a women I had to watch that movie and they put their hand over their heart and sighed. The movie follows just about every romantic comedy cliche. From the beginning when the audience is introduced to the characters, Sally is a single women and Harry is in a relationship with her friend. I liked Harry from the beginning because he was straight forward and honest. I can see how people wouldn't like him though. Then Harry starts to like Sally during their road trip. They split apart only seeing each other two times over the next 12 years. They get back together after their relationships end at the same time. They become friends, only spending time with together. They sleep together because they both love each other yet they won't admit it. They blow the situation out of proportion causing Sally to see another man. Now Harry has to win Sally back at the end for the final kiss and they live happily ever after.

The Thin Red Line

Yes! A movie must have a plot otherwise what is the whole purpose of the movie. It's like when someone is telling a story without an ending and you're left sitting there with nothing wondering why you just wasted the last five minutes of your life for nothing. Without a plot I think Malick was unsuccessful with his vision. I think his ADD kicked in and he started having ideas pour into his brain and he tried to utilize them all with an end result that was horrible.

I think it is the responsibility of the filmmaker to create the expectations for the audience. In my experience I have seen movies that I was forced to watch that I didn't want to see and they ended up being great movies. The audience is there to be entertained and it is the directors responsibility to grab the audience's attention and entertain them.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pan's Labyrith

The writer chose to base the film during a real historic event to set a time period and a purpose for Ofelia to escaped into a fantasy world. I think the story had to have both reality and fantasy to show the violence which was taking place around Ofelia's life. She lost her father and is now living with a fascist leader whom using violence to demand obedience from his soldiers. The drama in Ofelia's life draws her into a fairytale world. Obedience was incorporated into the story mainly through the Captain. The Captain demanded obedience throughout the entire story from his wife to Ofelia, his soldiers and his maid and any of those people disobeyed him there were consequences that would be paid. I would compare this movie to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Charlie doesn't escaped to a fantasy world however, when he wins that golden ticket and gets to go on a tour of Willy Wonka's factory; that is Charlie's fantasy world. Charlie was living in poverty and he got to escape reality into Wonka's factory. The people who disobeyed the rules suffered consequences as did the people in Pan's Labyrinth minus death.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This week we are discussing whether the violence in RoboCop is either realistic or "fun" violence and whether or not it can be viewed as artistic and unique or simply entertainment for the masses. The violence in RoboCop is "fun" violence; in the beginning before the guy becomes RoboCop he gets shot 20 times from 5 feet away with shotguns, gets his hand and arm shot off and then gets shot in the head...and lives? Not REAL. The violence is over exaggerated as a way to glorify the criminal activity in the city. There is nothing artistic about this movie as well. It is entertainment for the masses. A couple isn't going to pick RoboCop to go see together for the story line. A group of guys will go see this together for the action just like when the last Rambo came out. Stallone only had 4 lines in the entire movie yet I went with a coupe of buddies because it was Sly Stallone as Rambo again and we want him to go out and kill as many people as he could. Same with RoboCop; I want to see him pull up to a crime and catch the criminals by surprise so I could see that look of fear on their face. I worked at a detainee prison where probably 1 percent of the population spoke English however, they all wanted to watch action movies. RoboCop delivers in that aspect; it's full of "fun" violence produced for the masses.